
Unrestricted Land for Sale in Montgomery Tx

Here’s the current list of unrestricted land for sale in Montgomery Tx, including raw land tracts and unrestricted properties with a home or other improvements.

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You'll find all types of unrestricted land for sale in Montgomery Tx

Searching for unrestricted land for commercial purposes, recreational use, a home, or combined home and business? You’ll find plenty of options when you shop unrestricted land for sale in Montgomery Tx.

What is unrestricted land in Montgomery Tx?

Unrestricted land in Montgomery Tx means there are no restrictions on how you can use a piece of property. In many areas, land use is subject to county, city, and/or neighborhood (HOA/POA) oversight — but unrestricted land gives you the freedom to do what you want on your own property.

For example, unrestricted land in Montgomery Co has no usage limitations or restrictions based on zoning ordinances or home/property owner associations. Unrestricted properties can be used for most commercial, agricultural, residential, and combined home-and-business purposes. From private homes, horse properties, and commercial farms, to business suites, service shops, restaurants, and more… you can do just about anything on unrestricted land in Montgomery Co.

That said, improvements to unrestricted land can still be subject to county and city/municipal codes. Montgomery Co requires building permits for new residential and commercial structures and permits for septic systems. Plus, you must meet code requirements for developing unrestricted property in the flood plain.

Unrestricted land within the City of Montgomery can also be subject to city-specific building and development permits and municipal codes.

Can easements affect unrestricted land?

Yes! Unrestricted land may have easements that grant right-of-way and/or access for area utilities, gas lines, roads, and other public or private needs. Even on unrestricted land in Montgomery Tx, easements can affect where you can build on your property or where you can place a fence, pond, etc. That’s why it’s a good idea to get a new survey when buying unrestricted land.

Shopping for unrestricted land for sale in Montgomery Tx?

Whatever your needs, our land and commercial property experts are ready to assist from start to finish.

Looking for something specific? Give us your wish list! 

We’re happy to set up a custom unrestricted land search based on your criteria. We can also arrange showings and gather price comparisons, surveys, and flood zone maps — just call or text us to get started!

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